Given the recent (from the game's release) Artifact flop, I was a little skeptical on buying this day one. But, as more information came out and expo videos were published, I started to wane towards optimism.
Within the first minute I was hooked to the world. I have always loved the Combine architecture; its so unique from almost any other sci-fi structures and there is plenty of it in this game.
They expand upon a ton of world-building that the previous games did not, such as alien flora taking a foothold on the planet (previously it was just fauna), more soldier types, and actual Russian electrical outlets!
The hitboxes are outstanding, I can use every gun as effectively as if they were in the real world. There is also a blinding mechanic to keep players from clipping through walls without being obnoxious about it. The glass breaks as realistically as video games today can make it, and ordinary objects can be used as improvised weapons.
The biggest complaint I have is that the game is a little, tiny bit short. Its not as short as the episodes but its not as long as 2. If there were 1 or 2 more set pieces the length would be perfect. Hopefully this will be rectified with DLC in the future.
I recommend this to fans of the Half-Life series, VR enthusiasts, and fans of dystopian sci-fi. Definitely give it a try!